Our alum chat webinar series continues! In this episode, Austrian student alum Denise Wornig will join us on Zoom to talk about her Fulbright experience and offer advice for future program participants seeking to go to the US. The community is invited to also take part in the Q&A session at the end of the webinar.
Join us on Zoom as alum Denise Wornig shares her Fulbright experience.
Denise Wornig is a program manager working in the field of European Union policy implementation. As an Austrian Fulbright student in the 2018–19 program year, she joined The Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University for a master of international affairs in national security and diplomacy. Denise graduated in May 2020, concentrating in grand strategy, women, peace and security, intelligence analysis, and EU foreign policy. She received the Medal of Excellence and the Dean’s Leadership Certificate and served as Fulbright president for Texas A&M University. During her time in the US, she participated in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York and was invited to the White House. Denise holds an MSc in EU project and public management from FH Joanneum Graz and a BA in management and entrepreneurship from FHWien der WKW in Vienna. Prior to her stay in the US, she lived in Australia, Belgium, and Russia and worked in multiple European countries.
Don’t miss out on this exciting interview!

About the alum chat webinar series: This webinar series is an initiative to feature notable Fulbright Austria alums who continue to make a positive impact beyond their Fulbright Austria experience. In turn, we hope our alums’ accomplishments, accounts, and expertise will inspire other members of our community as they strive to achieve their own aspirations.