As a foreign language teaching assistant (FLTA), you have the opportunity to spend an entire academic year on a US college campus. You will work together with experienced German professors to animate German instruction as a native speaker and cultural ambassador in both formal and informal learning settings. In addition to teaching German, you also have the opportunity to pursue your own interests and participate in courses on a part-time and tuition-free basis.
Join Fulbright Austria at the online unileben 2020 and learn more about teaching German, studying, and doing research in the US with a grant from Fulbright Austria.
Austrian Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program
Austrian Fulbright Student Program
The Austrian Fulbright Student Program provides application-coaching and generous scholarship support to Austrian students who wish to pursue a master’s degree in the US. Austrian Fulbright students enhance their skill sets in challenging programs of their own choice and enjoy all of the benefits of being members of an international network of Fulbright grantees and alums in Austria and the US.
Learn more about the Austrian Fulbright Student Program.
Fulbright Austria is also home to EducationUSA, an advising center that welcomes students who are interested in pursuing undergraduate and graduate study opportunities in the US. While Fulbright Austria does not offer grants to complete a BA or PhD in the US, EducationUSA is more than happy to provide you with information about the US higher education system and advice on the US university application and enrollment process.
Austrian Fulbright Scholar Program
The Austrian Fulbright Scholar Program serves upcoming and established scholars by providing them with opportunities to teach and conduct research in the US at critical junctures in their careers. In addition to enhancing the careers of early to mid-career scholars from Austria, the program also enables grantees to establish professional networks and stimulates bilateral collaboration and institutional linkages.
Learn more about the Austrian Fulbright Scholar Program.
Franziska Brunner
Scholar Program Officer
Liaison for the Fulbright Specialist Program, Intercountry Lecture Program, and Fulbright Schuman Program
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 15
Learn more about the Fulbright experience
For more insight into the Fulbright experience, please see the "Remembering the Fulbright Experience" collection of interviews with Fulbright Austria alums produced and curated by the Audiovisuelles Archiv. You can also learn more about our current grantees and our alums by following us on social media.