In Memoriam: Eva (Jorda) Schussek (1931-2017)

4 October 2017

Fulbright Austria is saddened to announce the passing of Eva (Jorda) Schussek, the legendary American Program Assistant of the Austrian Fulbright Commission, on September 18, 2017. “Frau Schussek” – as she was known to the some 1,400 U.S. Fulbrighters she assisted in the course of her thirty-five years of service from 1954 until 1989 – was instrumental helping generations of American Fulbright grantees get to Austria and get settled in Austria. Throughout the years, she advised them with great patience, concern, and good humor on the peculiarities of Austrian manners, mores, and institutions: before and after their arrivals and during their stays.

Claudia Janka, Eva Schussek’s successor as American Program Assistant; Karin Schmid-Gerlich (U.S. Embassy); Eva Schussek; and Trude Wild, Austrian Student Advisor (l. to. r.) at the centennial birthday celebration of Senator Fulbright in 2005
Eva (Jorda) Schussek was in the cohort of 1951-52 Austrian Fulbrighters who took the Italian ocean liner Saturnia to the States in August 1951.