After their programs end, many Fulbright Austria alums become passionate advocates of the Fulbright mission in honor of the life-long contacts, friendships, and treasurable memories they made during their time abroad. As part of Fulbright Austria’s Alum Advisory Panel, former program participants harness that passion, supporting our commitment to successful fundraising and helping us develop our programs and engage with the broader alum community through events and activities.
What is the Alum Advisory Panel?
The Alum Advisory Panel is a volunteer panel of Fulbright Austria alums that was established to advance Fulbright Austria’s mission by strengthening ongoing alum engagement, supporting Fulbright Austria’s fundraising goals, and acting as ambassadors for the Fulbright Austria community. The panel works to foster, welcome, support, build, and sustain a mutually beneficial community that supports research, study, and teaching opportunities for future Fulbright Austria program participants.
The advisory panel advises Fulbright Austria on alum outreach, development, and fundraising events and activities. The panel also helps us recruit alums to support Fulbright Austria financially or as volunteers at our events and activities.
Who are we looking for?
To be a member of the Alum Advisory Panel, you must have completed a program administered by Fulbright Austria and should:
- Commit to a term of two years
- Be a team player and able to express the effect your program had on your life
- Be passionate and committed to Fulbright Austria’s values
- Show a history of connection to Fulbright Austria
- Lead by example and make an annual gift to the Fulbright Austria Opportunity Fund or Artsraising Fund
- Promote Fulbright Austria in your social and professional circles
- Help recruit attendees for event and activities
With a minimum of two meetings per year, the Alum Advisory Panel’s agenda is driven by the panel’s composition the inputs panel members can provide for the Fulbright Austria engagement plan. Meetings may be attended on Zoom.
How do I join the panel?
If you are interested in serving on Fulbright Austria’s Alum Advisory Panel, please email Hermann Agis for further information by 1 February 2024.