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Fulbright Austria Student Schima Labitsch has been awarded the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award

Fulbright Austria Student Schima Labitsch has been awarded the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award

Fulbright Austria Student Schima Labitsch has been awarded the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award for her essay on "Deconstructing growth: The why, what, and how any alternative to growth must consist of." Labitsch is currently enrolled in a graduate program in International Political Economy and Development at Fordham University.
2016 Photo Contest

2016 Photo Contest

US and Austrian ‪‎Fulbright‬ students, scholars, FLTAs and USTAs have submitted beautiful images to the 2016 Fulbright Austria photo contest! Please vote for your favorite by "liking" it on Facebook: the photo that gets the most likes by noon on May 30 will be the winner.
Fulbright Seminar in American Studies May 12-14, 2016

Fulbright Seminar in American Studies May 12-14, 2016

Constitutive Assembly of the European Association of Study Abroad (EUASA), May 6, 2016

Constitutive Assembly of the European Association of Study Abroad (EUASA), May 6, 2016

Fulbright Austria is hosting the constitutive assembly of the European Association of Study Abroad (EUASA) on Friday May 6, 2016. EUASA members are the national associations of resident directors of study abroad programs. This is an initiative that fosters collaboration of study abroad providers on a European level, and demonstrates the impact that study abroad students have on the European economy and university landscape.
Invitation: Talk US Scholar Jacqueline Vansant, Austria Made in Hollywood, May 3, 2016

Invitation: Talk US Scholar Jacqueline Vansant, Austria Made in Hollywood, May 3, 2016

US Scholar Jacqueline Vansant will be giving a talk on May 3, 2016, 6:30 pm, Amerika Haus.
Intercountry Lectures 2016

Intercountry Lectures 2016

US Scholars are sharing their expertise in guest lectures all over Europe as part of the Intercountry Lecture Program.
Invitation: Talk US Scholar Douglas Creed, Partnership und the Treaty: Race Relations and Institutional Work in Nursing Organizations, April 22, 2016

Invitation: Talk US Scholar Douglas Creed, Partnership und the Treaty: Race Relations and Institutional Work in Nursing Organizations, April 22, 2016

US Fulbright Scholar Douglas Creed (The University of Rhode Island/Vienna University of Economics and Business) is giving a talk on "Partnership und the Treaty: Race Relations and Institutional Work in Nursing Organizations" on Tuesday, April 26, 4 pm, WU, Department of Management.
US Scholar Lee Thomason is giving a keynote speech on Alternative Financial Sources for Innovative Entrepreneurship, IconVienna, April 21

US Scholar Lee Thomason is giving a keynote speech on Alternative Financial Sources for Innovative Entrepreneurship, IconVienna, April 21

US Scholar Lee Thomason (The Ohio State University/Management Center Innsbruck) is giving a keynote speech for a panel discussion on Alternative Financial Sources for Innovative Entrepreneurship during the 12th European Business & Investment Forum on April 21.
Lecture by Fulbright Specialist Prof. Carlos Diaz, Religion, Fear and Hope in the US Presidential Election 2016, Tuesday, April 19

Lecture by Fulbright Specialist Prof. Carlos Diaz, Religion, Fear and Hope in the US Presidential Election 2016, Tuesday, April 19

Fulbright Austria and the Church University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems invite to a lecture by Fulbright Specialist on Multicultural Education, Dr. Carlos Diaz, Professor at Florida Atlantic University, on Tuesday, April 19, 5-7 p.m. Singerstraße 7/4/1, MS.


The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Fulbright Austria, the Austrian Fulbright Alumni and the Embassy of the United States of America in Vienna are pleased to announce a public lecture by Fulbright-Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Professor of Political Science (California State University, Long Beach) Prof. Frank Baber on "GLOBALISATION: MORE DEMOCRACY OR NEW ARISTOCRACY?", Monday, April 18, 2016, 6.30 pm, Festsaal of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Favoritenstraße 15a, 1040 Wien.
International Week - University of Salzburg, April 12, 2016

International Week - University of Salzburg, April 12, 2016

Fulbright Austria EducationUSA Educational Adviser, Molly Roza, and Program Coordinator, Martina Laffer, are taking part in the International Week at the University of Salzburg and will be giving a talk to promote the Fulbright Programs for Students, Teaching Assistants and Scholars.
Celebrating 65 Years of Fulbright Exchanges at the Austrian Cultural Forum in NYC, April 5, 2016

Celebrating 65 Years of Fulbright Exchanges at the Austrian Cultural Forum in NYC, April 5, 2016

The Austrian Cultural Forum New York hosted a reception for Austrian and US Fulbright grantees and alumni from the metropolitan area as well as friends, associates, and partners of Fulbright Austria to commemorate the 65th anniversary of Fulbright exchanges between Austria and the United States and to acknowledge the generous support of the Craig and Kathryn Hall Foundation for the Fulbright-Hall Distinguished Chair for Entrepreneurship in Central Europe.
Star Trek and Fulbright Specialist James Forsher

Star Trek and Fulbright Specialist James Forsher

Fulbright Specialist James Forsher spent six weeks at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt conducting seminars about the social repercussions of Star Trek and other pop culture topics.
Record Number of USTAs

Record Number of USTAs

We were pleased to welcome a record number of US teaching assistants to the Fulbright Austria community this year: 164!
Saving Fish through Institutional Partnerships: Rafaela Schinegger

Saving Fish through Institutional Partnerships: Rafaela Schinegger

Fulbright Austrian Scholar and fisheries scientist Dr. Rafaela Schinegger spent a semester at Michigan State University exploring the impact of humans on rivers and river fish and how fish populations respond to different ecological stresses. While on her Fulbright grant, she initiated a new partnership entitled CROSSFISH, which connects her home university, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria (BOKU), with Michigan State.
Feature on US Fulbright Scholar alum and food scientist Andy Proctor's cooperation with NAWI Graz

Feature on US Fulbright Scholar alum and food scientist Andy Proctor's cooperation with NAWI Graz

US Fulbright Scholar alum and food scientist Andy Proctor organized and taught seminars in communication and networking to NAWI Graz students. His home institution, the University of Arkansas, has written up a nice feature on this collaboration.
Agnes Scott College is one of our new Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship partner institutions

Agnes Scott College is one of our new Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship partner institutions

We are excited to announce that Agnes Scott College is one of our new Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship partner institutions! Starting this fall, we'll be sending Austrian FLTAs to Agnes Scott (along with our other 9+ partner institutions).
Intercountry Lecture Program: Maureen Goggin is giving lectures at LMU, Munich and Andrássy University Budapest

Intercountry Lecture Program: Maureen Goggin is giving lectures at LMU, Munich and Andrássy University Budapest

US Fulbright Scholar Maureen Daly Goggin, University of Graz/Arizona State University, will be giving a talk on “Writing Trauma in Pens of Steel and Inks of Thread” on June 1 as part of a Fulbright lecture series hosted by the Department for English and American Studies at LMU Munich. She was also invited to talk about “Women Hidden in Plain Sight: Race and Aging in Art and Life” by the Andrássy University Budapest, on May 11.
Talk: Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Visiting Professor, Owen Mundy - "Free Market Privacy: The Increasing Commodification of Personal Data"

Talk: Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Visiting Professor, Owen Mundy - "Free Market Privacy: The Increasing Commodification of Personal Data"

Fulbright-University of Klagenfurt Visiting Professor, Owen Mundy, Florida State University, will be taking part in a data privacy symposium at the Bundeskanzleramt and will be giving a talk on "Free Market Privacy: The Increasing Commodification of Personal Data" on Friday, March 18, 2016, 11:00 am, Bundeskanzleramt, Kongresssaal, Ballhausplatz 2.
Annual Conference of the Austrian Studies Association, March 14.-17, 2016

Annual Conference of the Austrian Studies Association, March 14.-17, 2016

The Austrian Studies Association is holding its annual conference in Vienna this week! Fulbright Austria is pleased to be co-sponsoring the event (along with Universität Wien, OeAD, Wien Museum, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, U.S. Embassy Vienna and the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation) and to welcome the many alumni who will be participating in "Österreich – USA Künstlerischer und interkultureller Dialog" over the next four days.

Editorial: A year to celebrate and new horizons in 2025

12 January 2025