To apply for this award, please submit an application on the website managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Carefully read through the information below prior to completing the application.
For lecturers in American studies
To apply for this award, please submit an application on the website managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Carefully read through the information below prior to completing the application.
American studies—understood as the interdisciplinary study of American culture, history, and society—embraces different disciplines, methodologies, and fields of enquiry.
This award is open to candidates from all disciplines trained in American studies or associated with American-studies programs at institutions in the United States as well as candidates from all disciplines who may not consider themselves American-studies specialists but who systematically bring their interests and expertise to bear topically on the study of the United States. Primary institutional affiliation may be with the departments of English and/or American studies (Amerikanistik) and/or the Center for Inter-American Studies at the host institution, and/or with other departments, contingent upon the grantee's field of specialization. The cross-listing of courses is possible.
Recipients of this award teach two courses (classes meet once a week for 90 minutes) for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in their area of interest, with details on content and format of courses to be arranged by the host institution and professor. Other duties, such as tutorials and student advising, are negotiable and depend on the needs and expectations of the host institution and the manner in which the working relationship develops.
This teaching and research grant is open to faculty of all academic ranks with a PhD, appropriate teaching experience, and relevant expertise.
All applicants must have US citizenship. (Having a US green card, permanent residency, or a residency permit is not sufficient.)
Instruction is in English. Some knowledge of German is advantageous for Fulbright scholars but not required.
Fulbright Austria expects applicants to take all possible measures to avoid plagiarism. For resources on plagiarism, please visit these external resources:
The IIE catalog with the official grant text and full award details is available from early February to mid-September.
My experience as a US Fulbright scholar in the Department of American Studies at the University of Innsbruck far exceeded my (already high) expectations for the opportunity that awaited me. My colleagues were endlessly welcoming and collegial, interactions with my highly engaged students made me feel revitalized as an educator, and I’m grateful to have been able to contribute to the community of the university and to enjoy daily life in a delightful town.
-Maria San Filippo, 2021–22 Fulbright American-studies lecturer
Jacqueline Vansant
University of Michigan - Dearborn
University of Salzburg
Henry Crimmel
Weber State University
University of Salzburg
David Klooster
Hope College
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Stephen Newton
William Paterson University
University of Graz
James Van Dover
Lincoln University
University of Vienna
Gundy Jeffrey
Bluffton University
University of Salzburg
Charles Baldwin
West Virginia University
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Derek Maus
State University of New York
University of Graz
Mary Mitchell
University of New Orleans
University of Innsbruck
Randall Wilson
Gettysburg College
University of Vienna
Robert Tinkler
California State University-Chico
University of Innsbruck
Jeanne Holland
College of Southern Nevada - North Las Vegas
University of Salzburg
Heather Laube
University of Michigan – Flint
University of Graz
Benjamin Fagan
University of Auburn
University of Graz
Michaela Hoenicke-Moore
University of Iowa
University of Innsbruck
Sylvia Henneberg
Morehead State University
University of Vienna
Andrew Urban
Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Richard Kitchen
New Mexico Military Institute
University of Salzburg
Maria San Filippo
Goucher College
University of Innsbruck
Michael Taylor
Brigham Young University
University of Graz
Ben Davidson
Saint Michael's College
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Scholar Program Officer
Liaison for the Fulbright Specialist Program, Intercountry Lecture Program, and Fulbright Schuman Program
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 15