Fulbright-Q21/MuseumsQuartier Artist-in-Residence

Jointly sponsored grants
Application Period
No applications accepted for 2025–26
Grant Length
2 months
Starting Date
Grant only available until 2023–24

Generously supported by the Rosemary and David Good Family Foundation and Q21

Grant summary

Grant amount & benefits

Qualifications & eligibility

Catalog text

My Fulbright award gave me the opportunity to work as a Q21 artist-in-residence in the Museums Quartier which was a crucial next step in my research and creative practice. Living and working in the heart of Vienna was truly inspiring, and I’ve made new connections with other artists and researchers across disciplines that have already led to new projects.

-Jonathan DiBlasi, 2020–21 Fulbright-Q21/MuseumsQuartier Artist-in-Residence

Recipients of this Fulbright grant

Franziska Brunner
Contact Person

Franziska Brunner

Scholar Program Officer
Liaison for the Fulbright Specialist Program, Intercountry Lecture Program, and Fulbright Schuman Program
Recording Secretary
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 15