US Teaching Assistantship Program

US teaching assistants
Application Period
15 November 2024–15 January 2025
Grant Length
1 school year
Starting Date
1 October 2025 (orientation in late September)

Teach English at Austrian secondary schools

Apply to be a US teaching assistant in Austria

Program background and objectives

Description of position

Hear no German, speak no German, see no German—and always eat your fruits and vegetables!



As you continue reading to delve into the official information about the USTA Program, please also be sure to check out our YouTube playlist of interviews with previous USTAs to discover more about the lived experience.

Placement, duration, remuneration, and insurance

I left America for the first time in my life and moved across an ocean all on my own in the pursuit of something immaterial, something I couldn't name at the time.

I suppose you could say that Fulbright Austria gave me the chance to breathe freely and for myself for the first time in my life, and I grabbed onto it with both hands—and I don't think I'll ever stop being grateful. Roland Bailey, 2019–21 USTA

Application sections and materials

USTA orientation
USTAs out for a hike during orientation
My two years as a USTA showed me the powerful role of international education and exchange in creating deeper connections between people. Julia Petron, 2020–22 USTA

Preparing for the USTA position

USTAs join in the fun during Vienna's annual ball season. © Adrian Almasan
© Adrian Almasan
USTAs are invited to events within the broader Fulbright Austria community, including the annual "Thank Fulbright – Thanksgiving" dinner. © Adrian Almasan
USTAs join other members of the Fulbright Austria community for brunch.

Expected fees and expenses

The following is a list of fees and expenses that USTAs should expect to incur prior to departing and after arriving in Austria:


  • €100 administrative fee to be paid upon acceptance of their placement offer
  • Fee for obtaining the police clearance letter needed for the residence permit application (Please note that this fee will vary based on the jurisdiction issuing the police clearance letter and whether the issuance is expedited.)
  • Fee for an apostille for the police clearance letter (Please note that this fee will vary based on the jurisdiction issuing the apostille and whether the issuance is expedited.)
  • Funds to travel to an Austrian (honorary) consulate in the US to submit the residence permit application
  • €160 fee for the residence permit (Depending on which Austrian (honorary) consulate USTAs submit their applications at, the fee may be paid: 1) in full in the US before departing for Austria, 2) in full in Austria after arrival, or 3) in installments in the US before departing and in Austria after arrival)
  • Airfare to Austria
  • Costs of travel insurance covering the time between entering Austria and starting work (employment-based insurance coverage begins on the first day of work)
  • €130 fee to participate in orientation in Austria (Orientation is four days, and the fee includes full board and room. Please note that attending orientation is not required but is highly encouraged.)
  • Deposit for housing (Deposits could be up to three months of rent.)
  • Monthly rent (Housing is not included in the program.)
  • Enough funds to cover initial costs (bedding, towels, appliances, etc.)
  • Enough funds to cover cost of living (groceries, transportation, toiletries, phone bill, etc.) between arrival date and mid-November (The first regular salary will be disbursed in mid-November.)

We know there are a lot of balls to juggle as you prepare to participate in the USTA Program; with that in mind, we've created a helpful handbook series of videos covering a range of relevant topics.

After arrival

It is an opportunity for growth and development, outreach and connection, discovery and clarification, hope and love. Without Fulbright Austria, these opportunities would be very limited for me, so I am very thankful for Fulbright and the support this program receives. Ian Saner, 2019–20 USTA
Regional advisors periodically plan events for USTAs living in the area.
Regional USTA event in Klagenfurt
Many USTAs also get to participate in school events like sport week.


Katharina Hütthaler
Contact Person

Katharina Hütthaler

USTA Program Officer
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 11