Ballots from every Bundesland: Teaching assistants exercising their vote from Austria in the 2024 US presidential election

20 January 2025

Two USTAs talk about their experience organizing a voter drive for their fellow teaching assistants in Austria in the leadup to the 2024 US presidential election.

By Elliott Vahey and Lily Poppen

Laying the groundwork

Headshot of Elliott VaheyElliott Vahey, 2023–25 USTA
Headshot of Lily PoppenLily Poppen, 2023–25 USTA

Sourcing the info: A spreadsheet for every state's voting protocols

The resources Lily and Elliott put together were incredible and single-handedly led to a massive increase in the number of USTAs voting from abroad. In terms of my experience voting and helping others vote from abroad, it was incredibly frustrating to constantly bump into the various state rules regarding voting and at times almost felt like some states really didn’t want you to vote at all. It led me to better understand why such a small percentage of Americans living abroad use their votes in our elections. Courtney Smith, 2023–25 USTA

Sharing the info: From email to social media to voting events

Voting captains organized voting events for their fellow USTAs...
...and then dropped off the collected ballots at the US consulate in Vienna.

Building beyond the 2024 election

After living in Europe for the last six years, it has become a pet project of mine to help people vote abroad. Whether that be from Spain, Germany or Austria. I was so pleased with the turnout for our "Get Out the Vote" get together at a pub in Vienna this year. It warms my heart to see others taking it as seriously as I do. Kyle Brian Tomme, 2023–25 USTA