Fulbright Austria hosted its annual February orientation for incoming US Fulbright scholars at its offices on February 27 and 28, 2020. The orientation program included expert talks on recent political developments in Austria and on transatlantic relations between Austria and the US, a security briefing from a representative of the US Embassy Vienna, a panel discussion on teaching differences between Austria and the US, and a crash course in the history of the Austrian empire. Hermann Agis led the group on a tour with stops in the MuseumsQuartier, the Natural History and Art History Museums, the Memorial for the Victims of Nazi Military Justice, and the Hofburg. Following the tour, the scholars joined current US program participants and Austrian nominees for the 2020–21 program year as well as alums, partners, and friends of Fulbright Austria at the winter meet & greet to network.
Take a look at the orientation photos in our Facebook album!