Applicants should identify the relevant community organization and contact individuals on site, develop a plan for meaningful collaboration, guidance, and service, and include letters of invitation in their application. Fulbright applicants may be affiliated with community or artistic institutions (such as museums or archives), service organizations, or other local organizations.
A list of community organizations that have expressed an interest in hosting community-based combined grantees can be found on Fulbright Austria's website.
Please contact the US student program officer at Fulbright Austria for details or email the relevant organization directly. Please note that prospective applicants need not limit themselves to the organizations on the list and should feel free to propose a project with any suitable organization in Austria.
Recipients of a Fulbright Community-Based Combined Grant are recommended not to seek to earn an Austrian university degree due to time and scheduling constraints.
Affiliation fees/tuition
Fulbright Austria facilitates university enrollment at the applicant's preferred university, and the Austrian government provides for the waiver of tuition fees at public universities. Fulbright Austria does not cover tuition costs for enrollment at private institutions of higher education or other programs of advanced study in Austria that do not waive tuition fees.