2020–21 Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professor of Austrian-American Studies in Austria
Casey Hayes earned his bachelor and master of music in music education from Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, and his PhD in music education from Steinhardt School of Education, New York University (2009). His doctoral research focused on educational outreach within lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender choruses. His studies of the LGBTQI+ choral movement led him to become the co-music director of the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus. In 2007, Casey founded the Gay Men’s Chorus of Manhattan. This ensemble raised funds for not-for-profit organizations in need. In 2021, Casey was selected as a US Fulbright scholar and was named the Fulbright-Botstiber Visiting Professor of Austrian-American Studies in Austria at the University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna.
He currently serves as professor and the A.J. Thurston Chair of Music, music department chair, and director of choral activities at Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana. He also serves as the artistic director of the Quarryland Men’s Chorus, an ensemble of gay, bisexual, and transgender men and their straight allies located in Bloomington, Indiana. His current research focuses on the plight of Vienna’s LGBTQI+ and Jewish cabaret communities during the Anschluss and their recreation of Viennese cabaret in the United States. Casey’s developing partnership with Literaturhaus Wien will enable him to continue his research of Vienna’s cabaret history throughout the coming years. His book on the life of Jewish cabaret performer Willy Rosen, published by Amsterdam Press, will premiere on 27 January 2022 as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.