I was able to play the amazing organs in Austria and at the same time travel with our pop group and become thoroughly immersed in Austrian culture. The experiences I received in Austria continue to shape the way I perform, teach, and direct.
"As a direct result of my Vienna study, I completed my Stanford University dissertation on, and performed five of Mozart’s Concert Arias..."
"This year proved not only to be the basis for a whole new perspective on academics, music, the arts, on life, but also paved the way for my future. Without having had this international experience from which I learned about a new culture, perfected a new language, was introduced to new ways of thinking, I would have never become the open‐minded, tolerant, internationally involved academic and artist that I have become."
"When the 1986 Fulbrighters were graciously offered a chance to meet with then President Kirschläger, we were each allowed to ask him a question..."
"Clearly the impact of my Fulbright-Hays experience has kept me in a treasured and never-ending adventure..."
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