Giving back

Donors' Voices and Giving Tiers

Why support Fulbright Austria?

We could provide you with a list of reasons why we rely so heavily on support from our community, but we believe it’s important that you hear those reasons from your fellow alums who have already donated. In addition to quotes from donors, you’ll also find information about giving-level choices to help guide you when you give back financially to Fulbright Austria by making a regular gift to our Fulbright Austria Opportunity Fund. Your donation helps us strengthen our grant programs by continuing to provide international opportunities at universities and institutions for future change-makers.

Georg Lechner: 1975–76 Austrian Fulbright student

Alois Steinbichler: 1976–77 Austrian Fulbright student

Camille Crittenden: 1994–95 US Fulbright student

Nicole Schnitzler: 2011–13 US teaching assistant

Bruce Pauley: 1963–64 US Fulbright student

David Good: 1969–70 US Fulbright student; Rosemary Good: Friend of Fulbright Austria

Kathryn and Craig Hall: Friends of Fulbright Austria

Donate to Fulbright Austria

Your support to fulbright austria is funding opportunity, funding adventure, funding impact! Be part of the experience!

Donations to Fulbright Austria are fully tax deductible in Austria and the US.

Mitch Sims
Contact Person

Mitch Sims

Alumni Relations Manager
Outreach, Development, and Fundraising
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 18