We could provide you with a list of reasons why we rely so heavily on support from our community, but we believe it’s important that you hear those reasons from your fellow alums who have already donated. In addition to quotes from donors, you’ll also find information about giving-level choices to help guide you when you give back financially to Fulbright Austria by making a regular gift to our Fulbright Austria Opportunity Fund. Your donation helps us strengthen our grant programs by continuing to provide international opportunities at universities and institutions for future change-makers.
Why support Fulbright Austria?

Donors' voices
Georg Lechner: 1975–76 Austrian Fulbright student
“This cross-cultural experience shaped my career as a language instructor—both at the Austrian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt (MilAk) and at the National Defense Academy in Vienna (LVAk)—and as a military and court-accredited interpreter. The insights gained through studies at a number of universities in the US and Europe led me to believe in cross-cultural exchange as the most important vehicle to achieve peace and stability. Therefore, Fulbright Austria will continue to receive my generous support in the coming years.”

Alois Steinbichler: 1976–77 Austrian Fulbright student
“We are now at a time when transatlantic relations are facing new challenges, and therefore it is all the more important to maintain and develop academic, scientific, and economic relationships with the US. Fulbright Austria is an important source of inspiration for the Austrian economy and a platform for exchange and internationalization for Austrians. My own Fulbright stay in Indiana—Purdue University—was a unique and enriching experience that has shaped my career and my future. We need the Austrian business sector to invest in Austria’s future—the reason we are also part of “Wirtschaft Hilft!” together with Austria’s fundraising association.”

Camille Crittenden: 1994–95 US Fulbright student
“It was my pleasure to make a contribution to Fulbright Austria, and I was so pleased to hear Fulbright Austria is diversifying revenue streams by expanding into philanthropic sources. I am so grateful for the opportunity that the Fulbright award provided many years ago.”

Nicole Schnitzler: 2011–13 US teaching assistant
“My contribution to the Fulbright Austria community is very much a thank-you, as it provided me with a unique opportunity to contribute to cross-cultural exchange, greatly broadening not only my perspective but also the perspectives of those with whom I came into contact during my time in Austria. I was a US teaching assistant in Pitzelstätten, Carinthia, in 2011 and 2012, with my background in global studies. I hope that my monthly donation will enable the Fulbright Austria community to continue to support students and institutions in the spirt of international exchange, for which I myself am truly grateful.”

Bruce Pauley: 1963–64 US Fulbright student
“The current worldwide drift toward nationalism and right-wing extremism, so reminiscent of the first half of the twentieth century, are poignant reminders that the need for international education and values are more necessary than ever. I consider it both a pleasure and a duty to contribute whatever I can financially to such a noble cause.”

David Good: 1969–70 US Fulbright student; Rosemary Good: Friend of Fulbright Austria
“My Fulbright year abroad set the stage perfectly for the next 30 years of my professional life. It gave me both the block of time I needed to track down and begin absorbing the sources I needed for my dissertation and the confidence that I truly could carve out an academic career. At a deeper level my Fulbright year broadened my intellectual horizons by virtue of living in Vienna, in the midst of the diverse cultures of Central Europe.”
“We are giving to Fulbright Austria because we believe that living in other cultures makes us appreciate the common humanity of us all.”

Kathryn and Craig Hall: Friends of Fulbright Austria
“Creating entrepreneurial opportunities through educational advancement is an integral part of our foundation’s philosophy. By empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs to engage in responsible business practices and grow their businesses with integrity, we create a catalyst to positively change the world for the future.”

Giving tiers

Mitch Sims
Alumni Relations Manager
Outreach, Development, and Fundraising
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 18