Stay in contact with us

Stay in touch

No matter where you go after your Fulbright Austria experience, we love to stay in contact with you—but to do so, we need your permission! Please use the short form below to update you contact details.

As one of more than 10,000 alums, you are a valued, welcomed, and supported part of our alum community. Let us keep the relationship flourishing!

Email is one of our main methods of sharing news with our community. We also use the postal service. We like to share information about events and activities hosted by Fulbright Austria or our partner institutions, opportunities to support current and future program participants, and news and updates about Fulbright Austria, program participants, and alums.

You can also join us on InstagramYouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay up to date on our activities and events.


Update your contact information

Please fill out the form below to let us know about changes to your contact information.

Personal data
Contact information
Program information

Fulbright Austria (The Austrian-American Educational Commission) will only use the alum data it collects for alum outreach and engagement and will not share it with third parties.