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"Sigmund Freud, Interior Decorator"

"Sigmund Freud, Interior Decorator"

Current Fulbrighters and members of the Austrian Fulbright Alumni Association enjoyed a short talk by Fulbright-Freud Visiting Scholar Eric Anderson (Rhode Island School of Design) and a special tour of "'The Apartment is Doing Well:” the Freuds at Berggasse 19" at the Sigmund Freud Museum on March 30.
Newsletter March 2017

Newsletter March 2017

Read the new March edition of our newsletter for an orientation, upcoming application deadlines, a ball, migration-related highlights, the BeSt fair, alumni news and more!
"Perhapsburg" US Fulbright Alumni Art Show

"Perhapsburg" US Fulbright Alumni Art Show

US Fulbright alumni Tashrika Sharma and Alexander McCargar conceived of and created "Perhapsburg," a show of artwork "exploring Vienna not only as it currently exists but into what it could have been and what it can still become." According to their joint artists' statement, "These transformative misinterpretations foreordained by our research interests allowed us to transcend Vienna’s physical appearance." The show was held in Q21's Raum D in the MQ – MuseumsQuartier Wien and attracted over 80 visitors to its one-day opening on March 24, 2017.
Fulbrighters in the Migration Field

Fulbrighters in the Migration Field

Austria has played a central role in some recent conversations about global migration, and US and Austrian Fulbrighters in fields ranging from social work to art are deeply involved in many facets of the discussion. Read more about recent Fulbrighters' work in the migration field here:
BeSt Fair 2017

BeSt Fair 2017

Thousands of students, 35 hours, four days, four Fulbright Austria staff members, two presentations, one workshop, five US universities: Read more about our presence at the BeSt³ - Die Messe für Beruf, Studium und Weiterbildung 2017 and our first collaboration to bring US universities to the fair!
Fulbright Women's Roundtable: Josephine Dorado "Thriving the Macondo", March 6, 6 pm, MQ

Fulbright Women's Roundtable: Josephine Dorado "Thriving the Macondo", March 6, 6 pm, MQ

The Fulbright Women's Roundtable hosted a special discussion on "Thriving in the Macondo" with Fulbright alumna Josephine Dorado in honor of International Women's Day this week.
Infoveranstaltung "Go International - Studieren und Forschen in den USA, March 15, 2017

Infoveranstaltung "Go International - Studieren und Forschen in den USA, March 15, 2017

Austrian Student Program Officer Martina Laffer will be participating in an event organized by the University of Salzburg to promote programs for students, teaching assistants and scholars, on March 15.
US Fulbright Scholars Orientation, February 23-24, 2017

US Fulbright Scholars Orientation, February 23-24, 2017

Ten new US Fulbright scholars participated in the two-day February 2017 US Fulbright Scholars orientation, which included lectures and discussions with Fulbright alumni and representatives of the US Embassy Vienna in Fulbright Austria's MuseumsQuartier Wien/Q21 offices, a walking tour of Vienna's historic Ringstrasse, and a reception with current US Fulbrighters, Austrian Fulbright candidates, alumni, institutional partners and friends, and more.
Film Screening and Discussion with US Scholar Michaela Hoenicke Moore

Film Screening and Discussion with US Scholar Michaela Hoenicke Moore

In honor of Black History Month, the US Embassy Vienna and American Corner Innsbruck are hosting a screening of "Race" and a discussion with US Fulbright Scholar Michaela Hoenicke Moore (University of Iowa) on February 22.
The 2017 TU Wien Ball: A Fulbright Tradition

The 2017 TU Wien Ball: A Fulbright Tradition

On January 26, 2017, Fulbright Austria program participants took part an an annual tradition and attended the TU Wien Ball in the magnificent Hofburg Palace in Vienna. It is a highlight to see everyone dressed up and enjoying a long-standing Austrian tradition. There are even special tables reserved for Fulbrighters and alumni in the gallery next to the main ballroom, and the Austrian Fulbright Alumni Association gives Vienna-based Fulbrighters a crash course in ballroom dance beforehand. The next day, ball goers and the president and "first lady" of the Austrian Alumni Association meet again at Fulbright Austria's MQ/Q21 office to enjoy a relaxed brunch together and share the stories of the night before.
Alum Keith Kovach: book, institutional collaboration, project

Alum Keith Kovach: book, institutional collaboration, project

A book, a project, an exchange agreement: it's exciting to see the multifaceted, lasting institutional and artistic fruits of a single short Fulbright stay in Austria! Read about US Scholar alum and photographer Keith Kovach (University of Central Florida, Fulbright-MQ/Q21 Artist-in-Residence 2015) and the many outcomes of his Fulbright grant, including an intriguing new art project comparing historical and modern Austrian cityscapes.
Alumnae/i Roundtable: Professional Careers with a Ph.D. in English and American Studies, January 20, 2017

Alumnae/i Roundtable: Professional Careers with a Ph.D. in English and American Studies, January 20, 2017

US and Austrian Scholar Program Officer Dr. Susanne Hamscha will be taking part in a Alumnae/i Roundtable: Professional Careers with a Ph.D. in English and American Studies, on Friday, January 20, 12:00 noon, at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna.
Open Lecture: "Current Challenges of Migration. Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives" with US Fulbright Scholar Marciana L. Popescu, Wednesday, January 18, 5 p.m. MCI

Open Lecture: "Current Challenges of Migration. Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives" with US Fulbright Scholar Marciana L. Popescu, Wednesday, January 18, 5 p.m. MCI

US Fulbright Scholar Marciana L. Popescu will be giving an open lecture together with her colleague Markus Frischhut on "Current Challenges of Migration. Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives", on Wednesday, January 18, 5 p.m. MCI, Universitätsstraße 15.
Former Austrian Fulbright Student Gernot Wolfang's Recent Album Nominated for GRAMMY® Award in the Category Best Classical Compendium

Former Austrian Fulbright Student Gernot Wolfang's Recent Album Nominated for GRAMMY® Award in the Category Best Classical Compendium

Fulbright alumnus Gernot Wolfgang's most recent album, PASSING THROUGH (TROY1624, 2016), was nominated for a 2017 GRAMMY® Award in the category Best Classical Compendium. Gernot studied at Berklee College of Music in 1987 as a Austrian Fulbright Student.
Fulbright Women's Roundtable: Katharina Unger "Edible Insects and Novel Food Innovations", January 16, 6 pm, MQ, Raum D

Fulbright Women's Roundtable: Katharina Unger "Edible Insects and Novel Food Innovations", January 16, 6 pm, MQ, Raum D

Fulbright Alumna, Industrial Designer Katharina Unger will be giving a talk on “Edible Insects and Novel Food Innovations” on January 16, 6 p.m.


Fulbright-IFK Junior Fellow Ross Lipton is giving a talk at the IFK exploring the relationship between architectural and musical practices at the turn of the 20th century and how their approach to unity in form are both reflections and critiques of the conditions of urban modernity.
2016: A Year in Review

2016: A Year in Review

2016 has been a busy and exciting year for Fulbright Austria! Take a look at this timeline for some highlights.
USTA Event Theater an der Wien, December 15, 2016

USTA Event Theater an der Wien, December 15, 2016

Fulbright Austria organized a guided tour and look behind the scenes of the Theater an der Wien for its US program participants currently in Austria.
US Fulbright Scholar Rebecca Rovit Speaks at Vienna Mayor's Reception

US Fulbright Scholar Rebecca Rovit Speaks at Vienna Mayor's Reception

Professor Rebecca Rovit (University of Kansas), the current Fulbright-Internationales Forschungszentrum für Kulturwissenschaften Senior Visiting Fellow, was invited to speak during the opening of a reception Dr. Michael Häupl, the Mayor of Vienna, hosted for more than 630 international scholars and scientists at Vienna's City Hall on December 5.
Invitation: Talk US Fulbright Scholar Justin McBayer, "A Value Argument Against Incompatibilism", November 16, 2016

Invitation: Talk US Fulbright Scholar Justin McBayer, "A Value Argument Against Incompatibilism", November 16, 2016

US Fulbright Scholar Justin McBrayer (Fort Lewis College, CO/University of Innsbruck) is giving a talk on "A Value Argument Against Incompatibilism" on Wednesday, November 16, 8 pm, Seminarraum VI, Dr. Karl-Rahner-Platz 3.

Austrian Fulbright Student Program

Austrian Fulbright students
Application Period
1 February 2025–1 May 2025
Grant Length
One- and multi-year programs
Starting Date
August/September 2026

Obtain a Fulbright grant to pursue a master's degree and study in the US

Submit an application

Program requirements

Selection criteria


If you are playing with the idea to apply for the Fulbright Program, just do it! If you have a passion or an issue that you really want to
work on that makes this world a better place, have some faith in yourself and fill out the application.

-Sabine Lumesberger, Austrian Fulbright Student, 2021–22
Darrah Lustig
Contact Person

Darrah Lustig

Student and FLTA Program Officer
TEL. +43-1-236 7878 - 16